Our team of business advisers and expert mentors give business leaders and owners the opportunity to work on their business on a 1-2-1 basis. Depending on the needs of your business, this can either be a one-off conversation or ongoing support and is provided at no cost to eligible Cheshire East businesses.
Get in touch with our team. You can contact us via our chat bot, e-mail or 'phone. If you prefer, you can choose for us to call you back via video or 'phone call using our online booking tool.
One of our business advisers will have a short call with you to dicsuss your individual business needs.
Depending on your needs, we will either help you immedielty on the call or arrange for a more in-depth discussion with our advisers and / or put you in contact with an expert business menotor.
We will make any agreed referrals or signposting to other support.
Our team will ensure your grant application is submitted.
We will agree any ongoing dedicated business coaching and mentoring and high-growth diagnostic support.
Delivered by:
CIRCLE Leadership
Business Support Hub
Cheshire East Council